I first saw this on tik tok and knew i had to play. But then i played and was completely blown away. It has such amazing and unique gameplay, setting it apart from other turn based gatcha games. The characters are interesting, music is great, and there seems to be so many ways to play. I wish multi-battle went longer than 10 rounds though, since there are settings for when it should end outside of that. And 10 really feels too short. This game is great! I love the artstyle/visuals, the gameplay, and all the different activities. The only minimal complaints I'd have are how it gets a bit hard to gain items and upgrade characters the more you progress through the game, but that's a normal strategy game thing. I also don't really like the stamina system in games. Otherwise, this game is satisfying and it keeps you wanting more and more! A great contender for game of the year. Beautiful art style, simple yet fun mechanics, and the music.. damn good music. I'm more of a grunge old school hip-hop, but I like this game's music too. I do have a few gripes though- chat keyboard blocks view of what you text, making it hard to text efficiently without error; and I wish there was a better way to access more gold. Otherwise, this game has exceeded my expectations, and I'm a major fan.

Fight alongside heroes with godlike powers in this stylish, urban mythological RPG. Feel the beat and experience this visually stunning world. "No one knows where these portal-like sites called miracles come from. They appeared out of nowhere and turned the world upside down." When Pandora’s box opened, hope turned into desolation. To fight the monsters that are hell-bent on causing destruction, ordinary people become awakened, god-like beings, gaining divine powers through divine sound waves. In these darkest times, will you stand up, gather these heroes, and save the world?